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12 Signs You Need to Organize
Mar 30, 2021

There are many reasons to join a union.

Job Security, respect, and appropriate wage and benefits are at the top of the list,

but there are some other tell-tale signs that spell out the need for a union.


1) If your job or pay has stagnated despite the company posting huge profits... You need a Union!

2) If your company is spending money on everything else but you and its workers... You need a Union!

3) If you see a small amount paid in union dues as unaffordable to making a written agreement... You definitely need a Union to help you make MORE money! (Union workers make, on average, 27% more than a non-union worker.) (Any wonder why your employer doesn't want a union?)

4) If you can't get a straight answer as to where YOU stand in your company’s future... You absolutely need a Union Contract!

5) If you think it is impossible for the company to announce any kind of "Wage Cut or Freeze"... Wake up! You seriously need a Union Contract! (How much of a value would union dues be if it prevented a substantial cut in pay?)

6) If you ever had an unexpected or unfavorable change in pay or conditions at another non-union job, WHY would you take that chance now?.... You NEED a Union!

7) If you worry every time you "Punch In" about what little thing will happen that day to push you a little closer out the door... What are you waiting for, OMG, you SO need a union!

8) If many of your fellow workers are represented by a Union... You need one yourself, more than you will ever know. Budget cuts ALWAYS follow the path of least resistance!

9) If you have any degree of fear or anxiety about the stability or solidity of your job... A union is the only fast acting medicine to relieve this kind of symptom.

10) If you think that an American worker giving their best effort should expect to grow with the company, but do not see that happening... You've already waited far to long!

11) If you see any unfairness anywhere, anytime, or anyplace at your work... You can't form a Union fast enough!

And finally the most important question,

12) If you feel at anytime whatsoever, that you can't trust your employer, you need a Union so badly that you need to call the IBEW

IBEW local 2325
367 Burncoat St
Worcester, MA 01606

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